Announcements after worship 11-5-23
Meeting Announcements
Links in announcements below are to webpages, not Zoom links.
From Religious Education: two more programs this month.
Monday November 13, 7:00 pm on Zoom “Quakers and Politics” Discussion moderated by Tony Martin. Zoom link in the calendar above. Abortion, Immigration, Healthcare, the war in the Middle East…Where do we as individuals, as Quakers, stand on these and other complex, divisive, and polarizing issues? In what way does our religious faith inform our politics? Are we called by Spirit to be activists for or against particular causes? particular policies? particular individual politicians?
Monday November 27, 7:00 pm on Zoom Paul Hibschman will share his spiritual journey. All are invited. Email for Zoom link..
Friday, November 17, 6:00 PM, Friendly 8’s. Would you like to get to know other Friends in the Meeting better? Friendly Eights are monthly gatherings in homes, at which eight Friends (more or less) get together for a potluck and worship-sharing. Gary Sandman will host the November one. For more information or to let the host know you plan to attend contact Gary at 540-492-3582 or email
Sunday, December 17, 10:30 AM Interfaith visit. The youth group from Temple Emanuel will be joining us for Meeting for Worship. Please welcome them!
Transportation help still needed – There are Friends in our community who need help with rides, particularly to Meeting for Worship on Sundays. One Friend is in Vinton. Another is only one mile from the Meetinghouse. If you are willing to serve in this way, please contact Tony Martin or email
Update on Genevieve Waring: As of last Wednesday 11/1, Genevieve’s wing at Friendship Rehab has two cases of COVID, but Genevieve, thank goodness, does not have COVID. Please wait for an update to visit her. She is a founder of our Meeting and will be 99 years old on January 5. She had hip surgery on October 1, which went very well, with no complications. She is now in Friendship Rehab South, Room 415, at 5647 Starkey Rd. Roanoke. For more information, call Connie Waring, 540-343-6769.
From the Announcement Team: Please send submissions for announcements to our new email address: by Saturday to be included in Sunday’s announcements.
Other Announcements
Thursday, Nov 9, 6:30 pm, Reparations Book Group: All are welcome to join us for our next meeting, in-person at the Quaker Meetinghouse. We will discuss Duke Kwon and Gregory Thompson’s Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair, Chapter 2. For more information contact Charlyn Griffin, Betsy Proch, or Mike Heller, or email
Joys and Concerns, Gratitude & Requests
Spending time with 3d graders and receiving a wonderful dose of enthusiasm
Charlie and Penny Finn as they travel to Texas this week for their son Adam and Brittney’s wedding
Attending Joyce Rouse’s wonderful “Earth Mama” concert yesterday at Brandon Oaks
Please hold in the Light:
Tony and Patsy Martin’s friend Denis and his wife Ellen; he is in hospice and has shingles
Genevieve and Connie Waring (see update above)
Transportation needed to worship on Sundays for a couple Friends in our community (see above)
Reminder from our Treasurer Otis Kenny that contributions are welcome
For being with Friends in the Meetinghouse
For so much over the last year as Tony Martin has been recovering from his stroke
Worship Opportunities:
Saturday Quaker Worship at 10:30 am: All are welcome each Saturday at Highland Park, Alexander-Gish House, near the entrance to the parking lot on Walnut Avenue SW just off Fifth Street. Please bring a chair if you can. Because the Meetinghouse is now open on Sundays, only a few regulars attend on Saturdays. If you come irregularly or are new, you are advised to check ahead and be sure some of the regulars will be there. You can check by calling or texting Paul Hibschman at 540-578-5593.
Worship on Zoom and In-Person continues every Sunday at 10:30: We are so pleased that we can continue to worship either on Zoom or in-person in the meetinghouse on Sunday mornings! Masks are no longer required. Unvaccinated participants are welcome and are encouraged to wear a mask. Masks are available in the Meetinghouse. Social distancing is recommended.
Meeting Links: Link to Roanoke Friends Meeting Website; Facebook Page; Facebook Group
Faithfully submitted by Patsy Martin and Mike Heller