Announcements after worship 10-29-23

Meeting Announcements

Links in announcements below are to webpages, not Zoom links.

From Religious Education: two more programs this week on Zoom (email for link )

  • Monday Oct 30, 7:00 pm, Pendle Hill Pamphlet Discussion: Each 5th Monday we have a Pendle Hill pamphlet discussion. Our next one will be Ben Pink Dandelion's Confident Quakerism. Please mark your calendar and let one of the Religious Education committee know if you'd like a copy. There will be plenty. We're hoping this and several pamphlets to follow will highlight Quaker essentials. Copies at the Meetinghouse.

  • Wednesday Nov 1, 7:00 pm - Meeting for Remembrance - On this “Day of the Dead,” we will honor the memory of friends and loved ones (human and even non-human) who are no longer with us physically but whose presence we still feel and cherish.

Saturday Nov 4, 11:00 am, at the Quaker Meetinghouse: The Stewardship & Finance Committee will meet to begin the process of discerning the 2024 Roanoke/Lynchburg meeting budget. All are invited. 

From Online Communication Committee:

New Website -   We are still looking for recent photos. Please send them to our New email address: Last week there was a question about whether to use the new email address. It is indeed now up and being checked. Please use it to submit announcements or items for our website.

Transportation help needed – There are Friends in our community who need help with rides, particularly to Meeting for Worship on Sundays. One Friend is in Vinton. If you are willing to serve in this way, please contact Tony Martin.

Update on Genevieve Waring: Genevieve, a founder of our Meeting, will be 99 years old on January 5. She had hip surgery on October 1, which went very well, with no complications. Genevieve is now in Friendship Rehab South, Room 415, at 5647 Starkey Rd. Roanoke. Genevieve loves to have visitors. Weekends are the best time to visit. On weekdays, mid-afternoons are best, when she is more likely to be in the room. For more information, call Connie Waring, 540-343-6769.

From the Announcement Team:  Please send submissions for announcements to our new email address: by Saturday to be included in Sunday’s announcements. 

Other Announcements

Saturday, November 4 at 2 PM. Joyce Rouse will present a program concerning love for the earth at Brandon Oaks Retirement Community.  The program will include Joyce performing many of the songs which she has written. For those who feel downtrodden at times by the news about our environmental crisis, Joyce's words and songs are a balm.  

She reminds us why we need to fight for and support Mother Earth.

  • Please attend and bring your families, especially teens and children.  

There is no charge.

  • Address: 3804 Brandon Avenue, Roanoke, VA in the auditorium accessed 

through the main portico. Questions: Sharon Custer-Boggess, 540-776-2152.

Joys and Concerns, Gratitude & Requests


  • Number of people around the world calling for a ceasefire 

  • Susan & Kent’s trip to GA for his mother’s 95th birthday

  • Betsy’s first day as Zoom host

  • Harvesting  sweet potatoes

Please hold in the Light:

  • Jackie O’Neill, whose father passed away recently

  • Mary’s friend with cancer, and also another close friend of the family

  • Cecily Wood who has shingles, and other health issues 

  • Richard Rouse’s brother John, who is still in rehab

  • Letty Collins who had a bad fall week a couple weeks ago

  • George Squires as he transitions to temporary living quarters this week

  • Genevieve Waring who is in Rehab recovering from hip surgery.  Please also hold her daughter Connie and son Doug at this stressful time.

  • Peter Chapman, who had shoulder surgery on Oct 17

  • Tony and Patsy’s friend Denis who is in hospice, and his wife Ellen

  • West coast Friend, Carl MacGruder who is recovering from a serious motorcycle accident


  • Transportation needed to worship on Sundays for a couple Friends in our community (see above).

Worship Opportunities:

  • Saturday Quaker Worship at 10:30 am: All are welcome each Saturday at Highland Park, Alexander-Gish House, near the entrance to the parking lot on Walnut Avenue SW just off Fifth Street. Please bring a chair if you can. Because the Meetinghouse is now open on Sundays, only a few regulars attend on Saturdays. If you come irregularly or are new, you are advised to check ahead and be sure some of the regulars will be there. You can check by calling or texting Paul Hibschman at 540-578-5593.

  • Worship on Zoom and In-Person continues every Sunday at 10:30: We are so pleased that we can continue to worship either on Zoom or in-person in the meetinghouse on Sunday mornings! Masks are no longer required. Unvaccinated participants are welcome and are encouraged to wear a mask. Masks are available in the Meetinghouse. Social distancing is recommended.

Meeting Links: * Link to Roanoke Friends Meeting WebsiteFacebook PageFacebook Group

Faithfully submitted by Patsy Martin

Send submissions for announcements to our new email address:


Announcements after worship 11-5-23


Announcements after worship 10-15-23