Announcements after Worship - Oct 1, 2023
Meeting Announcements
Links in announcements below are to webpages, not Zoom links.
Sunday, Oct 1 - Monthly Potluck - At the rise of meeting. All are welcome, whether or not you are able to bring a dish.
From Religious Education: 4 programs this month on Zoom Email for Links.
On October 4 at 7 PM Land Justice with Joyce Rouse This is not a familiar term to many. Please join us to learn something old and new!
Monday Oct 9, 7:00 pm, Value of Faithfulness Groups: A faithfulness Group is 4 to 6 Friends who meet regularly to support one another on their spiritual paths. Our Meeting has three such groups. Representatives from each group will form a panel to share their experiences. We hope by sharing the richness of this experience, others may be led to join or start a group.
Monday Oct 23 at 7:00 pm, Spiritual Journey Group Sharing: Our worship sharing will be on the spiritual journey, but it will include all who are present.
Monday Oct 30, 7:00 pm, Pendle Hill Pamphlet Discussion: Each 5th Monday we have a Pendle Hill pamphlet discussion. Our next one will be Ben Pink Dandelion's Confident Quakerism. Please mark your calendar and let one of the Religious Education committee know if you'd like a copy. There will be plenty. We're hoping this and several pamphlets to follow will highlight Quaker essentials.
From Online Communication Committee:
New Website - goes live today We are still looking for recent photos. Please sent them to our New email address:
Directory: If you wish to be in the directory and have not already done so, please send updated information to An quarterly update will be sent out soon.
Tues Oct 3, 11:00 am Online Communication Committee meets. All are welcome
From Ministry and Counsel:
The Friendly Eights ride again! Would you like to get to know other Friends in the Meeting better? Friendly Eights are monthly gatherings in homes, at which eight Friends get together for a potluck and worship-sharing. (If you don’t want to host an F8, you don’t have to). Children are welcome. They meet from October to May. If there is interest in the Meeting from more than eight Friends, we will organize additional Friendly Eights. Gary Sandman will convene the first Friendly Eight, scheduled for the third Friday of each month at 6 PM, starting October 20. Gary can be contacted at 540-492-3582 or by email at
Transportation help needed - There are Friends in our community who need help with rides, particularly to Meeting for Worship on Sundays. If you are willing to serve in this way, please contact Tony Martin
From the Announcement Team: Please send submissions for announcements to our new email address: by Saturday to be included in Sunday’s announcements.
Other Announcements
Monday, Oct 2, 2:20-3:20 pm, “Mountain Valley Pipeline Resistance”: All are invited to hear Jenny Chapman and Mary Beth Coffey give a presentation on “Mountain Valley Pipeline Resistance,” to my Roanoke College “Peace and Justice Studies” course, Monday, October 2, 2:20-3:20 pm at the Monterey House. Jenny and Mary Beth will talk about our relationship to the land and their own experience with arrests and various court cases. I expect this to be a moving and inspiring presentation. For parking directions or more information, contact me. Please let Mike Heller know if you plan to attend. at or, 540-915-2385.
Saturday, Oct 7 - There will be a block party on Day Ave from 12:30 to 4:30 PM. This could be a great opportunity for us to get to know our neighbors.
Thursday, Oct 12, 6:30 pm, Reparations Book Group: All are welcome to join us for our next meeting, in-person at the Quaker Meetinghouse. We will discuss Duke Kwon and Gregory Thompson’s Reparations, Chapter 1. For more information contact Charlyn Griffin or Mike Heller email:
Friends of Evans Spring If you are not on the Friends of Evans Spring email list and would like to be please contact to be added to their information and mailing list. There is an effort on getting as many signatures as possible with a focus on those who live in the NW quadrant of the city. IF you know individuals who live in that area consider reaching out to them personally. I know several congregations have printed out petitions for their members/friends to sign and submitted them to Stephen Niamke. Here is the link to the petition. (from Joy Sylvester-Johnson)
Oct 21 at the June Bug in Floyd: Scott Haugh is in the Agatha Christie play Then There Were None. It’s a murder mystery in time for Halloween. Shall we get a group to go together to see if we can figure whodunnit?
Joys and Concerns, Gratitude & Requests
Feeling like a “lucky dog!”
Paul Hibschman is back in his apartment after rehab
Attending the BYM Spiritual Formation Retreat and getting to know fellow travelers on the long journey to and from
Happy to have this lovely day, this first day of October
Please hold in the Light:
Letty Collins who had a bad fall yesterday
Genevieve Waring in Lewis Gale with surgery today for a broken hip. Please also hold her daughter Connie and son Doug at this stressful time.
The family of Mike Heller’s friend Mary Crockett Hill, who passed away on Sept 23
Mike’s friend Gloria Randolph-King, who is in hospice at home
Kirk Whitt and family; Kirk is scheduled for surgery on Monday
Tony as he has a difficult discernment to make
Mary Stanley
Peter Chapman, shoulder surgery on Oct 17
Jeff’s brother Lyn who has a health concern
Tony and Patsy’s friend Denis who is in hospice, and his wife Ellen
West coast Friend, Carl MacGruder who is recovering from a serious motorcycle accident
Transportation needed to worship on Sundays for a couple Friends in our community.
For the messages in worship today, and their help in maintaining focus
For the way we are fully present to each other at Meeting, in our greetings and sharing
George Squires (with his small dog) needs to find a new housing arrangement. If you have ideas for him to find something reasonable to rent, contact him at .
Worship Opportunities:
Saturday Quaker Worship at 10:30 am: All are welcome each Saturday at Highland Park, Alexander-Gish House, near the entrance to the parking lot on Walnut Avenue SW just off Fifth Street. Please bring a chair if you can. Because the Meetinghouse is now open on Sundays, only a few regulars attend on Saturdays. If you come irregularly or are new, you are advised to check ahead and be sure some of the regulars will be there. You can check by calling or texting Paul Hibschman at 540-578-5593.
Worship on Zoom and In-Person continues every Sunday at 10:30: We are so pleased that we can continue to worship either on Zoom or in-person in the meetinghouse on Sunday mornings! Masks are no longer required. Unvaccinated participants are welcome and are encouraged to wear a mask. Masks are available in the Meetinghouse. Social distancing is recommended.
Shared After Worship
From Mike Heller: a link to a brief video of Mary Crockett Hill’s 1991 valedictory speech “You lucky dog” (forgive the long introduction by the college president and the quality of the video). Mary’s funeral was this afternoon, Oct 1, at College Lutheran Church, Salem:
From Charlie Finn: Scribbled in my journal during Meeting for Worship.
A new month begins
for each of us this morning.
How lucky is that? 10/1/23
What Power When One Gives Witness
Look what just happened.
A man gave such witness to a woman of spirit
that at mention she had just breathed her last
we suddenly found ourselves grieving a loss
even while feeling our lives had just been expanded.
What power when one speaks from the heart,
giving witness! 10/1/23
Wave after wave
have just washed over us
from an infinite ocean. 10/1/23
Gypsies Dancing
It struck me this morning
listening to a colorful fountain of messages
that moments of great beauty
not only take our breath away
but invite us to throw caution to the wind
and join the gypsies dancing. 10/1/23
Meeting Links: * Link to Roanoke Friends Meeting Website; Facebook Page; Facebook Group
Faithfully submitted by Betsy Proch, Tony and Patsy Martin