Religious Ed Resources
Readings and Queries to accompany RE Programs
Reparations Resources
Reparations Queries
Queries to guide our worship sharing on Reparations:
What does the word "reparations" evoke in you, and can you share why?
“Racism is not simply a matter of personal prejudice . . . but rather a fundamental cultural (dis)order.” How have you experienced white supremacy – perhaps in your own family – that validates the truth of this statement?
One of the essential commitments in bringing to light white supremacy is “the vulnerability of community.” In terms of white supremacy, what does becoming vulnerable mean to you?
Reparations Readings
These passages were used in the program on February 1, 2023.
“Our Quaker Ancestors Owned Slaves,” an article from Friends Journal (Jan 2023)
Flyer for Rev. Dr. Michael Nabors talks at Roanoke College, March 24 & 25
Peacemaking Resources
A Friends Journal article was the seed for the RE program: “Do Friends Still Need the Peace Testimony?”
Introduction to Peace Testimony Discussion by Joy Sylvester-Johnson
Additional Resources
Peacemaking & the Peace Testimony: One Quaker Response & A Life Testimony
"We have come to Kyiv in solidarity and to pray for a just peace" (This appears in the SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 issue of SOJOURNERS Magazine, "Why Our Faith Delegation Went to Ukraine")
Quaker Faith & Practice, Britian Yearly Meeting, 5th Edition, Chapter 24
Violence has a Strategy but so does Peacebuilding by Madhawa Palihapitiya
Facing the Myth of Redemptive Violence by Walter Wink
The Difference Between a Pacifist and a Passivist by Bret Myers
Pacifism is Not Passivism by Duane Cady
Peace Testimony and Ukraine by Bryan Garman, FJ Oct. April 1, 2022