
On becoming a Member of the Roanoke Friends Meeting.

“Membership is a way of saying that you feel at home and in the right place. Membership is also a way of saying to the meeting and to the world that you accept at least the fundamental elements of being a Quaker: the understanding of divine guidance, the manner of corporate worship and the ordering of the meeting's business, the practical expression of inward convictions and the equality of all before God. In asking to be admitted into the community of the meeting you are affirming what the meeting stands for and declaring your willingness to contribute to its life.”

— Britain Yearly Meeting, 1999

We joyously welcome attenders and visitors at all stages of their exploration of Quakerism. If you feel led to a deepening of your commitment to our Meeting and would like to pursue a formal membership, here is how to get started on that journey:

  • Let the Meeting Clerk or any member of Ministry and Counsel know of your interest.

  • Ask for the packet of information on Quakerism (often found in a blue folder) as well as the specific information about becoming a member in Faith and Practice.  The Clerk or a member of Ministry and Counsel can show you where to find these resources.

Participation in our Meetings for Worship with a Concern for Business and in one of our committees is a wonderful way to get a feel for the life of our community.

Write a letter of your desire to become a member to the Clerk or any member of Ministry and Counsel.

Roanoke Friends Meeting
505 Day Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24016

or by email to